Everything I’ve Learned Investing in the Market

A 5 Year Summary

Luke Martin
4 min readOct 4, 2022
Stock market
Image generated using Midjourney

With the rise of the information age, the world of finance has undergone a remarkable digital transformation.

As property and traditional markets become increasingly difficult for new investors to break into, stock markets seem to have seen the opposite effect. With an influx of digital tools and trading apps, the internet has made investing in the stock market more accessible than ever.

As someone who learned to invest during the digital age, here’s a summary of my key takeaways from the last 5 years:

Companies, Accounting and Finance

  • Businesses generally fall into one of two categories — Sole Traders or Companies. Companies benefit from limited liability and reduced tax rates in exchange for increased regulation.
  • Companies are managed by a board of directors, who are responsible for representing the interests of shareholders. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is appointed by the board.
  • The primary objective of a company is to grow. Companies grow by investing money in projects, such as developing new products, entering new markets, acquiring other businesses, etc.
  • In order to invest in new projects and grow, companies need to raise…



Luke Martin

I'm a designer and a developer, writing about people and technology.